
The Busy Mom Way to Workout

By September 21, 2018 No Comments

Alright friends, last week we covered the issue of fitness and that you do, in fact, need to workout.  What that looks like for you may be different than your neighbor, best friend or spouse.  I really want to stress, workouts do not have to happen on equipment in a gym, they can, but don’t have to.  Also workouts don’t have to involve running. For years I didn’t feel I’d worked out unless I had ran somewhere and was completely drenched in sweat after.  I would do crunches and free weights additionally, but if there was no running involved my mind couldn’t process it as a workout.

So what happened?  Where’d my change begin?  Well, for one, I had kids.  Two…..still thinking….. ok, I guess kids are really the only reason I can come up with.  Those little ‘lights of my life’ really changed things!  After my first was born, I found it really hard to find time to move unless I took her for a walk, pushing her in the stroller.  Sounds great, walks are fine, but again I had trouble considering it a workout because the sweat factor wasn’t there and I wasn’t running (I was too cheap to buy a jogging stroller guys). Not to mention actually going on the walk was hard, we live in the country, which poses it’s challenges.  The extreme wind on the Illinois prairie (this is no joke, if you haven’t experienced it) is often an issue and the fact that it is unsafe many times due to farm trucks and semis hauling up and down the road made country strolls infrequent.  So going for walks also meant loading up the stroller and going to town.  With the second child, this became an even bigger challenge.  I ran on the treadmill at times but would have to wait until my husband got home in the evenings (not ideal).  Because we have a small home, if I tried to run durning nap time, my daughters wouldn’t sleep. Me on a treadmill sounded like an elephant stampede.  Workout videos, another option, just weren’t my thing.  I used them at times, but it’s just not something I have ever enjoyed.  

That above paragraph sounds like a whole lotta’ excuses, right?!  Well it is.  But it’s true. Sometimes it’s totally hard to find time and the right workout for you.  But fitness isn’t something you can just excuse yourself from without yourself and everyone around you eventually noticing.  Just like keeping your laundry caught up, bills paid and food on the table is your responsibility: so is moving your body. Therefore, it is inexcusable to never workout.  Can you miss a day?  Yes.  But is it OK just keep saying, “I’m too busy” and skip everyday?  I’m going to be super blunt here and hope you give me grace knowing I mean this kindly: never making time for fitness is lazy.  The saying rings true, “where there’s a will, there’s a way.”  If taking care of your health is a priority you will find a way. 

Why should you prioritize your fitness?  You will feel better, your mind will function better, you will do better at everything you put your hands to.  You will serve your God given purpose to a higher degree if you you feel good.  The function of your immune system will be better. You will just BE better!

I finally figured this out in my life and like I stated above I had the will to make it happen, so I found a way.  Since I’m constantly on the go with an ever changing schedule and a husband who often leaves early and arrives home late, especially during the spring and fall, (farmwife here) I had to find time on my own. I couldn’t rely on him to watch the kids so I could fit in an AM or even PM work out, he would if he could but our way of life doesn’t allow for that. I’m not a morning person either.  Sounds nice to get that sweat session in a the start of the day but, friends, I’ve tried, it’s just not me.  It’s not going to happen.  I decided something was better than nothing and figured out I just may have to try something other than running.  So, I started finding moves I could do in the living room or anywhere in my house.  I started with squats and pushups, added planks and standing crunches.  Eventually I included jumping jacks.  Over time I got to a point where I had a little routine in place. This routine has been a consistent staple.  It’s the workout I have done regularly for about two years now. 

How I fit my workout in depends on my day. Sometimes I do the entire workout in one fell swoop.  But that’s rare.  Often I do my squats right outside the bathroom door while my girls are in the tub washing and I’m just waiting on my chance to jump in and scrub their hair.  I do most of my working out while I’m catching the Bachelor or whatever show I have on DVR.  Last night when I went out to water the calves (the kind that moo, not the ones that men who lift obsess over) I did all my jumping jacks while waiting on the trough to fill.  The few minutes of jumping jacks, squats or whatever doesn’t get me all sweaty and I’ve learned to love this.  Why?  Doing just 5 minutes here and there doesn’t create a need of a midday shower.  So on super busy days, most of my working out is spread out over four or five, five minute sessions throughout my day.  Other times I spend five minutes in the morning starting. Then, finish up with 15 minutes or so in the evening.  The key is doing something every day, consistently and making it work for your schedule. 

This little fitness routine is not the only thing I ever do to stay in shape, I still run occasionally.  I play tag with my kids or race them up and down the lane.  I do free weights and burpees here and there. But this workout is the most consistent thing I do.  It’s what I can remember, and always fall back to. It builds muscle and keeps me strong.  It still shocks me that I can do 50 pushups!  But I worked up to the point I’m at today, the point where I feel that I’m in better shape than in my 20s.

If you want the workout, it’s free.  You can get it HERE. The full workout I do on the daily is included plus a slow progression over 28 days to get there.  It will give you a plan every day and it’s not hard!  You’ve just got to have the will to do it.  I hope it helps you!  This is exactly my purpose: empowering you to take control of your health, and make it easy to incorporate so you can feel alive, fulfilled and complete.  Remember taking back control of your physical health to the best of your ability will shine brightly through every area of your life.

