how to get a vaccine exemption

Do you need a vaccine exemption?

Whether it’s for your job or for school, this FREE CHECKLIST will help you write an exemption that leaves you feeling in the driver’s seat. Many in healthcare have successfully used these tips throughout the covid mandates and for the flu shot over many years.

You may also find this podcast episode and this blog post helpful.

    free workout for busy moms

    Do you struggle to find time to workout?

    I needed to rethink exercise after having kids. I was busy. A full on sweat session and shower after no longer fit into my life. Also, my goals had (thankfully) changed. Exercise was no longer about getting to or maintaining a certain size, I just wanted to be really healthy, feel great and have energy!

    If that sounds like you, this FREE 28 day workout plan will help. It can be worked in throughout the short moments you have during the day with tips and ideas to keep you moving and feeling strong.

      how to contact elected officials

      Want to let your voice be heard but not sure how?

      It’s impossible to keep up with everything but I believe it’s imperative to stay involved at least to some extent. Our government continues to grow and seep into every aspect of our lives. Mandates. Climate Agenda. Trading our time for money just to have more and more confiscated by the government by way of taxation. Homeschool legislation is coming … I’m sure of it.

      We may not change the trajectory but we can stand for what is right.

      This FREE template includes a fill in the blank contact form listing the elected officials you should know, websites to find contact info, tips on what to do / what not to do when contacting them an email template and and a real life example of an email I sent to a sate level elected committee.