Do you need an exemption from a vaccine?
…be it for employment or school, this FREE CHECKLIST will help you write one that leaves you feeling in the drivers seat. Many in healthcare successfully used these tips throughout the covid mandates and it’s been used for the flu shot over many years.
You may find this podcast and this blog post helpful as well.
The checklist will be emailed out right away!
Do you feel like you’re too busy to workout?
… or need to get in shape to get in shape? I’ve been there. I’m over trying to fit into a certain size, be skinny… etc. GOALS: health, longevity, feel good, have energy to chase my children & one day grandchildren. I don’t need an hour long sweat session. I need easy movement and concepts to fit into small moments throughout the busy days of motherhood. This is FREE PRINTABLE includes a 28 day workout plan that can be done here and there throughout the day and tips/ideas to keep you moving.
The printable will be sent out immediately!
Have something to say?
This FREE TEMPLATE includes a fill in the blank contact form with a list of the main elected offices you should to know, websites to find contact info, tips on what to do/what not to do when reaching out, an email template and a real life example of an email I sent to a state level elected committee.
It’s impossible to keep up on everything but I personally believe it is imperative to stay involved, at least to some extent. Our government continues to grow and seep into every aspect of our lives. Mandates affecting employment, climate agenda taking over the countryside, trading our time for earning money just to have more and more confiscated by way of taxation each year. We may not change the trajectory but we can stand for what is right.
The free printable will be emailed out immediately! Fill it out, encourage a friend.