Rita Rogers co.

I’ve been going ‘against the grain’ for a long time…

In 2020 all those years of going my own way with health & nutrition… paying attention to government & NGO agendas (things that seemed odd to almost everyone around me) gave me the foresight to set aside emotion, dissect media narratives, accurately observe, assess & share information.

Though I ultimately lost my 15 year nursing career in the fall of 2021, I have peace knowing I put what was right and true ahead of self preservation and financial stability. God equipped me with the boldness to stand firm for myself, my children and on behalf of others who didn’t feel they could.

I live a simple homeschool, ‘homemade’, farm life in Central Illinois with my husband, Levi, two daughters & son.

Prior to 2020 this bio would read different.

It would be a story of an ICU nurse that sees the blessing emergency care and ‘modern medicine’ can be but is troubled by the over reliance on these systems where care is drastically declining and services are delivered (mostly) by healthcare professionals who know nothing about actual health.

It would tell of how we have devolved, losing our ability to cook nutritious meals, instinctively care for ourselves and our children, doctors who only know how to treat with surgery and pills after extensive diagnostic testing and putting you through their “if this, then that” algorithm.

& I was fiery about it.

I still believe every word of that is true. I still have passion and fire.

But, after facing loss… loss of my career but more importantly a month later, at 20 weeks pregnant, loss of our baby boy… I’m softer. Constantly reassessing and reminding myself the difference between issues that are important and what is important eternally: faith, family and raising the children God has entrusted to me.

I’m glad you’re here.

If you like discussing: headlines minus hype, conspiracies that aren’t theories, natural wellness, motherhood, loss, faith, homeschool & cooking from scratch…

this will feel like home.


years as a RN

…in a Cardiovascular ICU.

8 years speaking & blogging.

3 years podcasting.

3 years homeschooling.

& decades observing, questioning, researching, advocating, & learning to lean into my God given intuition

Do nothing out of selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility consider others as more important than yourselves.

Philippians 2:3

Better a dry crust with peace than a house full of feasting with strife.

Proverbs 17:1