I did laundry today, a lot of it. As I carefully hung my leggings out to dry I got to thinking and went down a rabbit hole. I got to thinking about fashion, how it comes and goes and the ONE thing that will never go out of style. So, I’m going to go ahead and share my rambling thoughts in the most non-rambling way I can.
Soft comfortable leggings have been all the rage lately. Colorful, stretchy, and high waisted; I for one am loving the comfort factor. They are my favorite to wear around the house, I can do virtually anything: workout, play on the floor with my kids, high leg kicks to my favorite 80’s music without ripping out a crotch (ha ha!). There’s nothing I can’t accomplish in those things!!
As much as I’m enjoying the current legging craze (and I’m sure a lot of you are too), they are a style. Standing there hanging the leggings, I literally flashed through all the styles I’ve been through in my lifetime. Early 90’s silk shirts, crushed velvet body suits, big hair, and aqua net bangs. Then a phase of some not so big bangs and then eventually none. I went from “pegged” tight roll jeans and stirrup pants to wide leg jeans and flared bottoms. Then skinny jeans made their comeback a few years ago and I promised I’d never do that because “they just look stupid”…. well I’m eating my words because I’m wearing them right now as I type. Crop tops and choker necklaces. Both are officially back and crop tops I MEAN IT, I WILL NOT join in.

Me, stylin’ (if I had shared the cute ones you wouldn’t be laughing right now)
I enjoy fashion, and style. It’s very unimportant in the scheme of life but it’s fun! While I personally pride myself in being frugal; frugal or not, the average person invests a lot of time and money into keeping up with it all! Even if you aren’t investing in a current trend, most people are investing in their own style one way or another.
What’s that One thing?
With everything around us changing so rapidly, what is one thing that will never go out of style? Health. Being healthy doesn’t go out of style. Guys. When I look back a photos, I notice the weird out of date glasses, funny hair and socks with sandals (what was I thinking). But there’s also something else: I can literally remember how I was feeling in the picture. Was I having fun and completely happy or was I self conscious and uncomfortable? I want to look back and have spent my days present, living in the moment and feeling good. Not feeling self conscious and bloated at a get together because I couldn’t help myself and shoveled in cookie dough as I baked earlier that day (true story of my past). I don’t want to get invited to the pool and feel dread instead of excitement because I’m uncomfortable with how I look and feel (another true story of my past).
There are two parts here. I believe it’s a combination of things that go into feeling content and comfortable in your skin. One part involves taking proper care of yourself: eating well, sleeping well and exercising. The other is finding contentment in the person God made you to be.
Looking, feeling and being healthy has been sought after for as long as humans have existed. Even amongst people who aren’t actively seeking out health, you’d be hard pressed to find one of them willing to turn down “good health” if it were something that was able to be given away.
However people DO turn down the offer of good or at least better health every day. You’d be surprised at the number of people posting about their health on Facebook and other social media when you actually start paying attention. Some say they will “do anything” to get healthy. “No excuses” this time. It’s time to “finally get on track.” Others are just expressing current discomforts. Be it joint pain, allergies or their weight. What do so many people do when offered a solution? Turn it away.
I find a lot of people out there saying they are “willing to do anything” don’t really mean it. I get that, I sure as heck wouldn’t do “anything” to get into shape or achieve good health. I’m not willing to work out for hours a day. Some may say that sounds lazy, but I say my time is precious. We all have our limits and boundaries. I find the “anything” a lot of people try in order to reach their goals is often too complicated or too time consuming. If the road to reach our goals isn’t one where we can stay the course, we will never ever reach the destination.
Do you want to “get there”
I’m a friend here offering to help you with that one thing that will never go out of style, your health! I’m offering to work with you and help you achieve your health goals so that when you look back on photos 10 years from now, you may be laughing at your out of style clothing and hair, but you will at least be happy with how you felt. Because you will have figured out how to care for your body and hopefully along the way will have also gained the confidence to be happy in your own skin.
Does this sound good? Then get on the wait list for my next “FOOD SCHOOL.” This 5 week course will take the guess work out of eating. You’ll know what to buy at the store and how to know what to buy. This is an opportunity to lay the foundation that is so often missing and the reason food is so confusing.
I will cover grocery shopping, processed foods, whole foods, putting food together in the kitchen. It’s going to be great.
Would you like to be notified when FOOD SCHOOL launches? Please add your name to the list. Just fill out the form below.
If you are interested in working directly with me 1:1, need mindset help or are interested in supplementation. Contact me and we can tailor services specifically for you.