“Yep, this was a bad idea, just confirmed, I do look really stupid”
Last week I was talking to a few friends, not the ‘know all your deepest hopes fears and dreams’ type of friends; nevertheless, these girls I do consider friends. The fact that I had just started a blog was brought up. One of them proceeded to comment: “Now that you are doing a blog you have to #hashtag EVERYTHING, take pictures like this (as she pulled her hair over her eye while giving a seductive look), and make your life look WAY BETTER than it actually is.
The question quickly flashed through my head: Wow. Is this what everyone will think of me?!
I just laughed and changed the subject. But, as I walked away, I thought to myself: What just happened?
Like a pin to a ballon, I was deflated.
That night I couldn’t quit thinking about it. She totally called out ALL of the fears I had (still have) about blogging.
Starting a blog isn’t something I just decided to do one day. I hear people constantly wishing for solutions to problems I KNOW how to help. Problems I HAVE solutions for. A blog, I look at as a way to passively let people know I’m here as a resource if they actually want help. It’s my dream to show people a way, to make life better if they are willing to listen. I want people to know I’m a real person they can reach out to and contact.
It took me just under a year to gain the courage to purchase a domain name. Months of trial and error designing the blog (I’m not exactly good with technology). And a whole lot of courage to put pictures of myself out there. Guys, my stomach physically hurt the night of May 1st when I hit the launch button to make my work live.
I’m a confident person, this has nothing to do with confidence. It has everything to do with what my friend said. In showing people a glimpse of my life, my thoughts, my solutions I don’t want to alienate myself from others. I’m afraid of being taken the wrong way.
I enjoy reading other lifestyle blogs. I love looking at all the pretty, lovely, put together pictures. They are dreamy! But in becoming a “blogger” I still want others to see me as a REAL person, REAL mom, and REAL wife.
A few things to keep in mind as you follow healthybeatskinny:
I’m doing my best, but my best isn’t perfect. (no one is)
I don’t know how to take selfies, I took my first one the other day and I look stupid. (I’m gonna do it, because I guess I have to but I’m totally dragging my feet. Is there a tutorial?!)
I work out, no excuses. (except for the days I don’t because I slip up just like everyone else)
Don’t feel like you have to justify your family’s pizza night (or why you ordered dessert or got a second helping) to me. We eat lot’s of veggies and fresh healthy food, but still go out for Mexican, order pizza and enjoy dessert every once in a while. (again, we are doing our best but we aren’t perfect)
My house isn’t a total wreck, I actually pride myself in keeping my home somewhat presentable. (but sometimes it’s plain wild… just yesterday it looked like the crazy Illinois wind swept through the place!!)
I’m a work in progress. I’m trying to be a kind, nice, more loving person. I’m trying to live my life as a Christian. (but again I slip up, I’m far from perfect)
I’m a real person with a real family. I have rough days, my kids argue, I make mistakes but we are all doing our best.
So hopefully you hear me, I’m an imperfect person. Just a normal chick who happens to “get” health, fitness and nutrition, putting what God has given me to use. I’m going to take pictures that are pleasing to the eye (or at least try…that’s also a work in progress), #hashtag the crap out of stuff, and put my best foot forward. I’m going to do this and still BE REAL! Why would I ever start a blog if I plan to hide, if didn’t want it to have the potential to be a rockin’ success? Why type these posts if I didn’t plan to promote them to reach the people who were meant to hear them?
“The fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso putteth his trust in the LORD shall be safe.” Proverbs 29 : 25 (KJV)
This is me facing my fears.
Is there something you are holding back from because of what others may think?
You don’t look stupid, you look adorable! I can’t wait to see where you go with this! I KNOW you will be amazing!
Well thanks! I’ve gotta get some help on the selfies, wow! At least I can laugh at myself and hopefully give someone else a laugh along the way!
I love your blog! Being a blogger has taught me more than I could have imagined about myself. And I pray, literally, that maybe one person has felt met and supported. It’s been scary but if the passion calls, as I hear in you too, we try to follow.
Exactly, praying my words reach the right ears! Thank you!!
Mmmm…. I’m picking up what you’re dropping, sister. Love this!
Ha! Thank you, Thank you!!
Rita I love this because it’s SO REAL. I am excited to read yor blog and see what I learn along the way! Thanks for taking the leap!!
Thanks and if I’m coming across as not so “real” you have my permission to (kindly) call me out! 🙂
Rita you are amazing , helpful , knowleagdeable , passionate and committed ! I trust your advice and know that you come at things with a common sense approach – love ya !
Thanks for the support, you don’t even know how much it means to me!
You got this. I want to follow your blog.
Thanks Christie! I appreciate it so very much!
Looking forward to your blog.
Thank you so much for reading and following!!
Probably my favorite post related to blogging Rita! Also, if my opinion counts -you don’t look stupid, you are cute!
Thank you so much for reading and the wonderful compliments! So glad to have connected with you over instagram. Isn’t it funny how we scary yet empowering it is to step out of our comfort zone!?
Wow… this hits home. This is EXACTLY how I feel about blogging as well. So good, Rita!
This post is still my favorite almost two years later. It’s exactly what I worried about when I started and still the biggest concern. When you are genuine you just want people to be able to see it.